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Saturday, December 17, 2011

2007 - the year when everything went insane?

..or at least crazy. Let's start off with some numbers.
All for show, but also to give a clue.
There were:
- 2 full-length projects
- 2 doubles (one part with new material, one part with stuff from the vaults)
- 1 EP (five tracks for those who wonder)
- 1 christmas package (one part own, one part covers, one split 50/50).

I don't think I could've been imagining something like that
in my wildest dreams, when that year began. Of course I did
some demo lyrics during that winter, but I had nothing much
planned at all. Alright, maybe a small project to keep me busy
over the summer, but not much more. Instead it became
one of the most, if not THE MOST productive year so far.
To be really honest, just thinking about it makes me shiver.

As said before, I started writing demos that winter,
not really planning for any project, but didn't
feel like just throwing them away either.
I guess that was when the "funny titles"-
section started taking place as well.

But I think the turnover came in the late spring.
Was leaving the small town I refer to as home
and headed for a bigger one further up, in the
middle-west of the Finnish mainland, or pretty much
something similar to that. Was to be staying there
for two weeks, so packed down pens and papers
among the usual stuff you need for a trip away.
You know, just in case.
Since I didn't bring the laptop (had no internet there,
so what was the point?) and since I tend to be quite
isolated in my sparetime, I guess you can tell how it went.

After schooling and doing random stuff at "home",
I guess writing took a pretty large piece in those evenings.
I remember writing a track while waiting for dinner to get done,
messaging with a friend, then writing a tune while waiting for her
to call me up, things like that. I even made some short thing
while doing a test at school that was supposed to take longer
than it did. You know, simply, things like that.

I had never really experienced the lyrics to come out
as naturally as they did. It may sound crazy,
but it was actually like the lyrics were writing themselves
and I was just happening to be the one holding the pen.
After all, it resulted in two projects in about ten days.
One in Swedish and one in English.

I guess it also kicked off my later fascination for
playing around with words, making up titles to
write lyrics for, instead of the other way around.
Cause in the summer I sort of did just that,
both in a Swedish way and in an English.
Did the Swedish first, by the way.
I simply wrote down thughts on a paper
and while reading, starting to come up with
in my head, finally thinking that some parts
could make funny titles.

I guess the final decision came when I was
rumbling around through a box on the loft
that would go out, and found some stuff from earlier.
Bundled that up together with some outtakes, and got
a perfect b-thing to complete the double.
It all simply came out so well, I did one in English too,
just to see if it could be done with the same funny feeling.
To be honest, I was really surprised that it did.

To be writing crazy stuff in Swedish have never been a problem
(the problem is that I've been getting too serious lately),
but I've felt like I've always been starting at a different level
with my English things. They, even if the lyrics sometimes may
have been hinting elsewhere, have always been too serious
and the stakes have always been high at getting it to work out.
Although it has been easier to reach up to those heights
with the English ones, than with the Swedish.
Anyhow, summer came, summer went and that project was finished
and put into the archives.

So you might think I would get vacation from the writing
for the remainder of that year then, right? Wrong!
I might have been a little lazy, but the creative boost
was far from running out. Was looking back at the demos
from that year and found a few swedish ones that simply
felt too good to let be. Didn't quite fit a full-length,
but were a good thing to start with. Until I started thinking
differently, that is.

Suddenly the short thing "EP" popped up in my head.
and after giving it a few moments I thought "Why not?".
Picked together three of the 2007 ones, added a
collaboration from 2005/2006 (I think it was)
and wrote a title track (Väntar På Gryningen/Waiting
For The Dawn) one cloudy, late October afternoon at work
while waiting for the bell to ring out.
All set and done.

The craziest, although at the same time the funniest as well,
came in the middle of November, though. Started sketching
on a christmas project that would feature more of my own material
than before. Also in both Swedish and English. It was a
tough challenge on paper, but still went along pretty well.
Only tired moments was at the very end, when I was supposed
to combine writing lyrics with all the regular things
that christmas holidays bring along.
Still pulled it through though.
And of course I couldn't stay away from the covers this time either.
Ended up with running the whole thing as some sort of
christmas calendar on the blog. One of my own tracks
and one cover a day. Simple as nothing.

Otherwise this year ended pretty calm.
Just relaxing, looking back
and actually planned a few things for 2008.

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